Wednesday, November 1, 2017

November 2017 Horoscope

There’s a lot of action going down in the universe this month, and it’s going to impact all areas of your life. 
 November 2017 Aries Horoscope
Go ahead and dream big this month, Aries—the universe is ready to do you a solid. When Mercury goes into Sagittarius, you’ll find yourself mulling over going back to school and learning something new. After all, you’re already an expert in your field, so maybe your talents could expand to other areas, too. You’ll also start dreaming about your next big vacation. Swimming with penguins off the coast of Argentina? Oh yeah. The sun kicks into Sagittarius at the end of the month, making you ready to let loose and have some fun.

 November 2017 Taurus Horoscope
You’ve got sh-t that needs to get done, Taurus, and this month you’re finally going to do it all. Mars, the planet of action, moves into the sector of your chart that represents work, shifting you into super-employee mode. You’ll tackle your assignments with new energy and wrap up projects that have been on your to-do list for ages. It’s not all work, though. All that productivity will free you up for plenty of after-hours fun. You’ll have an urge to treat yourself with the full moon on the 4th, so go with it. You deserve it.

 November 2017 Gemini Horoscope
Finding a good work-life balance is always a struggle, but this month you’re actually going to nail it. Mars, the planet of action, moves into your house of fun, helping you to figure out how you can have a little less work and more play in your life. The new moon on the 18th kicks you into high gear, making you laser-focused on getting things done. You’ll clear out that junk that’s been sitting in the bottom of your closet and finally find time to have coffee with your friend you’ve been meaning to meet up with since forever. Toward the end of the month, the sun moves into Sagittarius, shining a positive light on your life. Things are looking really looking up for you.

 November 2017 Cancer Horoscope
You’ve got your career on the brain, Cancer, and there are some big decisions ahead for you. Mercury, the planet of thought, moves into the sector of your chart that represents work, making you question how much you actually like your job. Luckily, that brain power boost will help you plan your next move if you decide it’s time for a change. Venus, the planet of love and money, moves into your sister sign this month, pushing you to get out and grab life by the balls. Been wanting to have a girls’ night for a while? Do it around the full moon on the 4th—it’s a great time to be out with your friends.

 November 2017 Leo Horoscope
You can never have too much fun, Leo, and this month that’s going to become crystal clear. The sun is moving into Sagittarius, your sister sign, creating a positive glow around your social life. Rest up now, because you’re going to be headed to a lot of parties this month. Venus, the planet of love and money, moves into the sector of your chart about home, giving you the urge to do a little home makeover. Your new Pinterest obsession—and the full moon activating your house of career—could give you the push you finally need to ask for more money at work. If you’re pretty sure your current job isn’t going to help your reno budget, start networking with other people. You’ll be surprised what you discover.

 November 2017 Virgo Horoscope
This month is all about home and family for you, Virgo. Mercury, the planet of action, is in the sector of your chart about home, making you think about where you’re currently living. Do you love your place or is it time for a move? The full moon on the 4th combined with the sun’s shift into Sagittarius leaves you with a serious urge to travel to see family. Going home for a visit can really help you catch a breather—and figure out what you want to do next.

 November 2017 Libra Horoscope
Break out your credit card, Libra, because there’s a shopping spree in your future. Venus, the planet of love and money, is in your house of finance, giving you a serious urge to spend. Just take a beat and ask yourself first if that new dress is worth going into debt over. The sun moves into your house of communication toward the end of the month, prompting you to make a lot of plans to be with friends. Whether it’s a night out with your BFFs or a girls trip to a new city, one thing is for sure: It’ll be epic.

 November 2017 Scorpio Horoscope
Is it hot in here, or is it just you? Venus, the planet of love and money, is in your sign this month, making you feel as amazing as you look. This is your month to shine, Scorpio, so don’t let it go to waste. Get out with your girls, try out that new class at the gym you’ve been waffling over, and speak up more at work—the universe is giving you a serious boost, so you’d better take advantage. The new moon on the 18th makes you look towards 2018. What do you really need to take the coming year to the next level? Only you know the answer.

 November 2017 Sagittarius Horoscope
Everybody’s got things they have to do, and this month you’ll figure out a way to blaze through your to-do list so you can maximize on fun. The full moon on the 4th gives you a serious energy boost to get things you need to do out of the way. Luckily you’ve got the rest of the month to kick back and enjoy. Mercury, the planet of thought, is in your house of communication, giving you the urge to talk. You’ve got ideas, and people need to hear them. Mars, the planet of action, is in your house of friendship, creating some amazing opportunities for you to connect with your girls on a deeper level. Sure, happy hour is awesome, but nothing beats a good conversation and sharing a glass of wine at your place.
Remember that gym you’ve been thinking about joining for ages? It’s go time, Capricorn. The new moon on the 18th activates your house of friendship, pushing you to try new things where you’ll meet a different crew. Sure, your old friends are amazing, but you’ll suddenly have a chance to expand your circle even more. Toward the end of the month, the sun moves into Sagittarius, kicking off a super-busy time for you. It’s hard to turn down a good invite, but saying “no” once in a while so you can decompress will do you good.

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 November 2017 Aquarius Horoscope
November is all about spending time with your girls, Aquarius. Mercury, the planet of thought, moves into your house of friendship, giving you a serious urge to have deep talks with your BFF. Don’t be afraid to get things off your chest—she’s happy to listen. Mars, the planet of action, moves into your house of travel, causing you to mull over the idea of a move. Would relocating to a different city create better job opportunities for you? It’s not all about deep thoughts, though: Toward the end of the month you’ll be ready to push serious stuff aside, just get out, and have some fun.

 November 2017 Pisces Horoscope
You’ve got dreams, Pisces, and it’s time to finally tap into them. The sun moves into your house of career this month, pushing you to think about what you have and don’t have in your work. Sure, the pay is decent but are you really challenged by what you’re doing on a daily basis? Take a beat to think about what else is out there that could be good for you. The new moon on the 18th gives you the urge to start planning a trip, so start Pinning some cool travel articles. After all, you’ve got vacation days to burn before the year is up—make them count.

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