Monday, January 8, 2018


“You are so fat, WTF. How disgusting," "You cannot be confident with being that unhealthy” - unfortunately, these are some extremely mean things people who are on the heavier side hear at least once in their lifetime.

Fat-shaming is a sad reality. It's a struggle for those who are getting by this insult on a daily basis.
It is never too late! All that first you have to decide to do is run to drain away all the negativity surrounding you. A few months later, you are sure to end up on the road to transformation.

"The results that you see along with weight loss, how friends and family are so appreciative and supportive of the change, keeps you going. Moreover, It is one’s own burning desire that to fit into smaller size clothes, and that's what will keep us motivated.

Every morning, take a pledge to start with a minimum of 2-km run and evenings with indoor stretches and weight training.

"Never give up on things. Whatever you decide to achieve, just go for it because 'where there's a will there's a way!'

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